Hire The Best Australian App Developer For Your Next Project

According to statistics, the Australian app development market is expected to grow at 7.25% CAGR and reach the value of $11,550 million by 2027. 

Therefore, now is the best time for businesses to hire app developers from Australia to create valuable apps for the Aussies.

Here, we have curated a complete guide to hire the perfect candidate for your business who can help you create an app for the Australian market.

Steps To Hire The Best-Fit Australian App Developer

Here is the step by step guide to hire the promising app developers from Australia best suited for your business.

1. Locate An App Developer

The first and important task is to decide the location of the developer. This is a critical point that needs to be taken care of during the hiring process. A local app developer from Australia can help you immensely to understand the psychology of your targeted audience for your web and mobile app development services in the country.

2. Look At The Past Work

Performing a background check is a mandatory step that you need to do. Also, it is your fundamental right to know the past work of the app developer. Ensure you have answers to the following questions prior to the hiring.

  • Do they have the required skill sets necessary for your app store optimization Australia like programming languages, front end and back end technologies, frameworks, etc?

  • Do their previous projects are similar to your business niche?
  • Do they have prior experience in how to get Australian app store ?

3. Fix The Hiring Format (In-house or Remote)

If you are hiring an outsourced app developer then you do not have to think much because in that case, the developer will always prefer to work remotely.

But, on the other side, if you are going to hire an in-house app developer, then you need to choose the format before hiring. Obviously, both the options come with their own merits and demerits. You need to figure it out much earlier and go ahead with the plan.

4. Conduct The Interview

Personal interview is the time where you assess the hard and soft skills of the candidates. Having the necessary expertise is good to have but the attitude and approach of the candidate should be aligned to the nature of the work.

However, such situations are rare especially when you are hiring for a specialist.

5. Negotiate Salary

Always remember to discuss the monetary part during the interview with the candidate. Talk about the issues related to the initial rate and also about the future prospects for the growth as the project develops.

6. Approve Hiring

The final round of hiring is the approval of the candidate at the legislative level. If the candidate is a freelancer, make a simple contract for a certain period of time till the project is completed.

If you have hired an in-house Australian app developer, you will have to ensure additional tasks such as registering new personnel, assigning tax payments, etc.

App Developer In Australia

What Is The Cost To Hire An App Developer In Australia?

Hiring an app developer in Australia is not that difficult when you are well aware of all the processes step by step. But how much do you need to spend to hire one?

According to the Talent Web Source Australia, the average software developer salary in the country is $110,611 annually or $56.72 per hour. For entry level positions, the average package is $94,981 while the experienced ones make $140,805 a year.

What Are The Benefits Of Hiring App Developers From Australia?

Hiring app developers from Australia has its own benefits. They are mentioned below

1. Collaboration

When working with app developers in the same time zone, collaboration becomes much easier and hence you can achieve more and better results.

2. Customer Service

Under any circumstances, if a problem arises, you can contact the developer and seek its services directly. Whether the developer is outsourced or in-house the services will be very much similar in nature.

3. Cultural Fit

An Australian app developer on-board is essential if you are creating an app for the Australian market. You will get more meaningful insights and feedback that could prove to be very beneficial for your business growth.

Outsourced Or In-House App Developers: Which Is Better For Australian Software Development Companies?

In recent times, it has been observed that more and more companies are ditching the idea of having 100% in-house developers and accepting the idea of hiring freelancers. But the question is ‘why’? 

In-house app developers are comparatively costlier than the freelancers. The reason being the perks associated with the annual salary along with training and management cost. It becomes a more disastrous situation when they leave your business or decide not to stay with your company for an extended period of time. 

On the other hand, freelancers or outsourced app developers get paid exactly for what they do. In comparison to in-house developers, outsourced app developers are far less expensive because there are no management fees, training fees and monthly expenses. 

Key Points To Note

  1. If financial implications and other drawbacks are not your problem, and looking forward to have the continuity of knowledge and building in-house team, then go for hiring an in-house developer
  2. If cutting costs and solid expertise are crucial to your business then outsourced app developers are what you should look for.

outsourced app developers

Most Common Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring For Web And Mobile App Development Services

There are mainly five common mistakes that most of the business owners make while hiring an app developer.

1. Mixing It Up With Android and iOS Developers

Usually, you should hire an Android app developer if you are building an Android app or the vice versa. But, sometimes, business owners tend to forget the real need and jump into the process of hiring.

2. Not Asking For Portfolios Of Work

To get the best talent for your job, always ask the candidate for the past project and testimonials of work. You should always have the proof to validate their claims or else you may hire the wrong one.

3. Hiring Developers Without Understanding Business Requirements

Never forget to share the problem the business is trying to solve with the candidate and ask him how to get the better version of the plan to go ahead. What hurts the most is when you hire someone and he has no idea of working on the plan.

4. Hiring The Cheapest Developer

Hiring the cheapest dev for the project is one of common mistakes made by a company. If you want the app developers to give their best for your company then do not hesitate to invest in them. After all, they are only creating the final product.

5. Expecting A Quick Turn-Around-Time For Development

Having the expectation of creating a software product in a short time is nothing less than slow poison for your business. This will put more pressure on the developer and could forcefully abstain them from their creative output.


It is important to note that hiring software developers for Australian app development is quite a complicated process if treated carelessly. The entire system is a balanced mix of time, money and quality. Follow the steps as mentioned above and everything would fall in place.

AI in Fintech: Shaping the Future of Financial Services in Australia


The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and financial technology (fintech) has revolutionized the way financial services are delivered. As AI continues to advance, it is transforming the fintech landscape in Australia and around the world. In this article, we will explore the applications of AI in fintech, discuss the future of AI in the industry, and shed light on the fintech ecosystem in Australia.

1. Understanding AI in Fintech

Artificial intelligence in fintech encompasses the replication of human intelligence in machines, imitating cognitive functions. In the fintech sector, AI is being utilized to enhance decision-making, automate processes, and provide personalized customer experiences.

2. Applications of AI in Fintech

2.1 Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionizing customer support in the fintech industry. These smart assistants can understand natural language, assist with basic inquiries, and provide personalized financial advice, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing response times.

2.2 Fraud Detection and Security

AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of financial data to identify patterns and detect fraudulent activities. By monitoring transactional behavior, AI can help prevent fraud, safeguarding customer assets, and maintaining the integrity of financial systems.

2.3 Risk Assessment and Underwriting

AI-based algorithms are improving the accuracy of risk assessment and underwriting processes in lending and insurance. By analyzing various data sources and historical patterns, AI can assess creditworthiness and provide real-time risk evaluations, leading to more informed decisions.

2.4 Robo-advisory Services

Robo-advisory platforms powered by AI provide automated investment advice and portfolio management. These platforms leverage algorithms to assess risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions to offer personalized investment strategies at a lower cost than traditional financial advisors.

3. The Future of AI in Fintech

3.1 Enhanced Customer Experience

AI will play a pivotal role in delivering personalized and seamless customer experiences. By leveraging customer data and AI algorithms, fintech companies can anticipate customer needs, provide tailored recommendations, and deliver proactive support with their mobile app development services.

3.2 Advanced Data Analytics

The future of AI in fintech lies in harnessing the power of big data. AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to uncover valuable insights, improve predictive analytics, and optimize financial decision-making. This data-driven approach will enable fintech companies to offer innovative products and services.

3.3 Automation and Efficiency

AI will continue to drive automation and streamline processes in the fintech industry. By automating repetitive tasks, companies can reduce costs, minimize errors, and allocate resources to more complex activities. This will lead to increased operational efficiency and improved productivity.

4. Fintech Landscape in Australia

4.1 What is Fintech Australia?

Fintechs in Australia is the industry association that represents the fintech ecosystem in the country. It acts as a collective voice, advocating for policy changes, supporting innovation, and fostering collaboration between fintech startups, financial institutions, and government agencies.

4.2 Fintech Services Australia

Australia has witnessed significant growth in the fintech sector, with a wide range of services being offered. These include digital payments, peer-to-peer lending, blockchain solutions, robo-advisory platforms, and regtech (regulatory technology) solutions.

4.3 Fintech Startups Australia

Australia has a vibrant startup ecosystem with numerous fintech companies making their mark. Startups like Afterpay, Zip Co, Airwallex, and Up Bank have gained global recognition for their innovative solutions. These companies have successfully leveraged AI and other technologies to disrupt traditional financial services.

5. The Intersection of AI and Quantum Computing in Fintech

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the fintech industry, particularly in conjunction with AI. Quantum computing harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex computations at an exponential speed compared to traditional computers.

5.1 AI and Quantum Computing Synergy

The combination of AI and quantum computing can unlock new possibilities in data analysis, optimization, and cryptography within the fintech sector. Quantum algorithms can enhance the capabilities of AI models, enabling more accurate predictions and faster processing of vast datasets.

5.2 Advanced Data Analysis

Quantum computing can accelerate data analysis by quickly processing large volumes of financial data. This enables fintech companies to extract valuable insights, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

5.3 Enhanced Security and Encryption

As fintech services rely on secure transactions and data protection, quantum computing can bolster security measures. Quantum cryptography offers stronger encryption methods that are resistant to quantum attacks, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of financial transactions.

6. Fintech Australia: Pioneering Innovation

6.1 Supportive Regulatory Environment

Australia has fostered a supportive regulatory environment for fintech innovation. Regulatory sandboxes, open banking initiatives, and government-backed innovation programs have encouraged the growth of fintech startups, attracting both domestic and international players.

6.2 Collaboration between Fintech and Traditional Financial Institutions

Fintech startups in Australia are forging partnerships with traditional financial institutions to drive innovation. By collaborating, they can leverage the expertise and resources of established institutions while bringing cutting-edge technology solutions to the market.

6.3 Fintech Hubs and Accelerators

Australia boasts several fintech hubs and accelerators that provide startups with mentoring, networking opportunities, and access to funding. Hubs such as Stone & Chalk, Tyro Fintech Hub, and Fintech Australia’s Fintech Bridge program serve as catalysts for growth and collaboration within the fintech ecosystem.

AI in Fintech


The integration of AI into the fintech industry has the potential to reshape the way financial services are delivered. AI-powered applications, such as chatbots, fraud detection systems, and robo-advisory platforms, are already enhancing customer experiences and improving operational efficiency. As AI continues to advance, its synergy with quantum computing promises to unlock even greater possibilities in data analysis, security, and optimization.

In Australia, the fintech sector is thriving, with a vibrant ecosystem of startups, supportive regulations, and collaborative initiatives. Fintech companies in Australia are at the forefront of innovation, leveraging AI and other technologies to disrupt traditional financial services and drive the future of finance.

Why Australian ECommerce Businesses Need To Focus On Web And Mobile App Development?

The advent of technology has fundamentally transformed the business landscape in Australia, with ecommerce emerging as a major player. 

According to recent reports, Australia’s ecommerce market is expected to reach USD 32.3 billion by 2024, indicating the rapid growth and adoption of online shopping among consumers. 

Hence, web and mobile app development has become critical components of a successful ecommerce strategy in Australia.

A well-designed and user-friendly website is essential for providing customers with a seamless and intuitive shopping experience, which can impact purchasing decisions and determine business success. 

Whereas mobile apps offer a more personalised and convenient shopping experience, providing valuable customer behaviour insights to inform product offerings and marketing strategies.

However, developing a successful web or mobile app can be challenging for ecommerce businesses, requiring expertise in user experience design, software development, and data analysis. 

Furthermore, with the growing number of ecommerce businesses in Australia, competition is fierce, and businesses must have a strong online presence to stand out.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of having a well-designed and functional ecommerce website and mobile app, as well as the challenges that businesses may face during the development process. 

Finally, we’ll examine the future of ecommerce in Australia and how web and mobile apps development will continue to play a crucial role in its success.

Growth Of Ecommerce In Australia

The growth of eCommerce in Australia is driven by several factors, including increasing internet and smartphone penetration, changing consumer behaviour, and the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the shift towards online shopping.

This growth has significant implications for businesses. Ecommerce offers businesses the opportunity to reach a wider customer base, reduce overhead costs, and provide a more personalised and convenient shopping experience for customers. As such, ecommerce has become increasingly important for businesses in Australia, and those that fail to embrace this trend risk being left behind.

Let us Look at some statical data on Australian Ecommerce

According to ITA (International Trade Administration)

  • The eleventh-largest eCommerce market in the world is in Australia.
  • Revenue is predicted to reach USD 25.7 billion in 2020 and USD 32.3 billion by 2024, with a year-on-year increase of 15.5%
  • Online commerce represents approximately 9% of all retail trade in the Australian market
  • The brick-and-mortar retail market increased by 3.4% within the same time frame to reach USD 200 billion
  • The largest Australian eCommerce platforms/sites are eBay (AU), Amazon (AU), Woolworths, JB Hi-Fi, Big W, Coles, Kogan, Officeworks, Chemist Warehouse, and Catch
  • By 2020, 89% of eCommerce purchases in Australia will be domestic
  • Ecommerce sites like eBay, Amazon, and Gumtree account for almost 40% of all B2C sales.
  • In 2018, only 21% of Australians bought merchandise from foreign vendors.
  • Mobile Ecommerce represents a significant opportunity in the local market, with 26.4% of all eCommerce transactions occurring via mobile phone
  • PayPal is used for 48.8% of all online payments in Australia, while credit and debit cards account for 39.9% of online payments
  • The buy now pays later market accounts for 6.7% of online transactions, with AfterPay being the most well-known provider.

Importance Of Web And Mobile Apps In Ecommerce

Websites and mobile apps play an important role in the success of ecommerce businesses. Here are some reasons why:

1. Reach a wider audience

With a website and mobile app, ecommerce businesses can reach a larger audience, as they can be accessed from anywhere in the world. This increases the potential customer base and leads to increased sales.

2. Convenience

Ecommerce websites and mobile apps offer customers the convenience of shopping from anywhere, at any time. Consumers can easily shop online from the convenience of their homes, compare costs, and make purchases.

3. Personalization

Ecommerce websites and mobile apps allow businesses to personalise the shopping experience for customers. This can involve creating offers that are unique to the customer and making personalised product suggestions.

4. Increased sales

A well-designed ecommerce website and mobile app can help businesses increase sales by providing a seamless shopping experience, easy checkout process, and multiple payment options.

5. Customer loyalty

Ecommerce websites and mobile apps can help businesses build customer loyalty by offering exclusive discounts, rewards programs, and personalised promotions.

6. Data collection and analysis

Ecommerce websites and mobile apps allow businesses to collect and analyse data on customer behaviour, preferences, and purchase history. This data can be used to improve the customer experience, personalise marketing campaigns, and make data-driven business decisions.

Web and mobile app development is essential for ecommerce businesses to reach a wider audience, provide a convenient shopping experience, personalise the customer journey, increase sales, build customer loyalty, and collect and analyse valuable data.

Web And Mobile Apps

Benefits of Web and Mobile Apps Development for Ecommerce Businesses

Web and mobile app development can offer a range of benefits for ecommerce businesses, such as: 

  • Well-designed websites and mobile apps can increase the visibility and reach of an ecommerce business and can attract more visitors and potential customers. 
  • A mobile app can provide an easy-to-use platform for customers to browse and purchase products on-the-go. This can lead to increased brand recognition and customer loyalty, as well as higher conversion rates.
  • A website or mobile app that is easy to navigate and visually appealing can create a positive impression on customers and encourage them to return for future purchases. 
  • Features such as personalised recommendations and loyalty programs can further enhance the customer experience and increase customer retention.
  • Push notifications and in-app messaging can improve customer engagement and lead to increased sales.

Finally, web and mobile app development can provide a competitive advantage for ecommerce businesses by offering unique features and functionalities that set them apart from their competitors. 

For example, a mobile app that allows customers to try on virtual outfits or visualise products in their home environment can offer a unique and personalised shopping experience that sets the business apart from its competitors.

Case Studies of Successful Ecommerce Businesses in Australia

Several ecommerce businesses in Australia have successfully leveraged web and mobile app development to enhance their online presence and provide a seamless customer experience. Here are a few examples:

1. Showpo

Showpo is an Australian online fashion retailer that offers affordable and trendy clothing for women. The company’s website and mobile app feature a user-friendly interface and personalised recommendations based on customer browsing history. Additionally, the mobile app offers a “try-on” feature that allows customers to virtually try on clothes before making a purchase.

2. Booktopia

Booktopia is Australia’s largest online bookstore, offering a wide range of books and e-books at competitive prices. The company’s website and mobile app feature a streamlined checkout process and personalised recommendations based on customer browsing history. Additionally, the mobile app offers a “scan and shop” feature that allows customers to scan a book’s barcode to view product details and make a purchase.

3. Kogan

Kogan is an online retailer that offers a wide range of products, including electronics, homewares, and clothing. The company’s website and mobile app feature a user-friendly interface and personalised recommendations based on customer browsing history. Additionally, the mobile app offers a “price drop” feature that notifies customers when the price of a product they are interested in has dropped.

4. The Iconic

The Iconic, is an online fashion retailer from Australia with massive catalog of fashion accessories. The company’s website and mobile app feature a user-friendly interface and personalised recommendations based on customer browsing history. Additionally, the mobile app offers a “360-degree view” feature that allows customers to view products from all angles before purchasing.

Challenges And Risks Of Web And Mobile App Development For Ecommerce Businesses

While web and mobile app development can offer a range of benefits for ecommerce businesses, there are also several challenges and risks that need to be considered. These include technical challenges, financial risks, security risks, and market saturation.

1. Technical Challenges

One of the biggest challenges of web and mobile app development is the technical hurdles that can arise during the process. 

Ecommerce businesses need to ensure that their website and mobile app are built with proper coding standards, functionality, compatibility, and performance.

A poorly designed website or mobile app can lead to issues such as slow page load times, broken links, and a poor user experience, which can drive customers away.

Therefore, businesses need to hire experienced developers and designers who can address these challenges effectively and efficiently.

2. Financial Risks

Web and mobile app development can be an expensive process. Ecommerce businesses need to invest in the development process, including hiring developers, designers, and other professionals, as well as acquiring the necessary technology and tools. 

Additionally, there is no guarantee that the investment in web and mobile app development will lead to increased sales or revenue, making it important to carefully weigh the costs and benefits before proceeding.

3. Security Risks

Ecommerce businesses handle sensitive customer information, such as names, addresses, and credit card details, making them a prime target for cybercriminals.

Security risks include data breaches, identity theft, and unauthorised access to sensitive information. 

Ecommerce businesses must implement strong security measures, including data encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular security audits, to protect customer information and prevent data breaches.

4. Market Saturation

There is fierce competition among ecommerce companies for the attention of customers. Hence, to stand out and attract new customers can be challenging.

Ecommerce businesses need to differentiate themselves from the competition by offering unique products, a personalised customer experience, and a user-friendly website and mobile app.

5. User Adoption

Even if ecommerce businesses develop a user-friendly website or mobile app, there is no guarantee that customers will adopt the new technology.

Customers may be hesitant to switch from their current shopping habits, or they may not be comfortable using new technology.

Therefore, businesses need to ensure that their website or mobile app provides a clear and compelling value proposition to customers and offers a seamless user experience.

6. Compatibility

Ecommerce businesses need to ensure that their website or mobile app is compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms, including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

With the rapid pace of technological advancements, businesses need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies to ensure compatibility with new devices and platforms.

Tips To Overcome These Challenges

  1. Technical Challenges: Hire experienced developers and designers, and conduct regular testing and quality assurance.
  2. Financial Risks: Create a realistic budget, evaluate ROI, and explore different funding options.
  3. Security Risks: Implement strong security measures, ensure compliance with data privacy regulations, stay up-to-date with security threats.
  4. Market Saturation: Offer unique products, personalised customer experience, and a user-friendly website and mobile app, conduct market research.
  5. User Adoption: Provide a clear and compelling value proposition, and ensure a seamless user experience.
  6. Compatibility: Use responsive design and scalable technology, and stay up-to-date with technological trends.

By following these tips, ecommerce businesses can create an effective web and mobile app that can drive sales, increase revenue, and improve the customer experience.

Contact Mobile APP

Factors To Consider When Developing A Web And Mobile App For Ecommerce Online Shopping Store

1. User Experience (UX)

In today’s digital age, customers have high expectations when it comes to the user experience of an app. A good UX means that the app is easy to use, visually appealing, and provides a seamless experience from start to finish. 

It should have a clear and simple navigation structure, with intuitive icons, buttons, and menus that make it easy for users to find what they’re looking for.

The app should also be optimised for mobile devices, with fast load times and a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.

2. Platform Compatibility

It’s important to ensure that the app works across multiple platforms and devices. This means that it should be compatible with both iOS and Android operating systems, as well as desktop computers. 

The app should also use a responsive design, which means that it adapts to the user’s screen size, whether they are using a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. This ensures that the app looks and performs well on all devices, regardless of the screen size or resolution.

3. Performance And Speed

A fast and efficient app is crucial for providing a good user experience. The app should load quickly, with minimal delays or errors. This requires efficient coding and streamlined design, as well as fast server response times. 

It’s also important to minimise the number of HTTP requests and optimise image sizes to reduce load times.

4. Security And Privacy

Ecommerce apps deal with sensitive customer information, such as payment details and personal data, so security and privacy should be a top priority. 

The app should use strong encryption and two-factor authentication to protect customer data. It should also comply with data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. 

Regular security audits and penetration testing can also help identify vulnerabilities and improve the app’s security.

5. Payment Options

Providing a variety of payment options is essential for accommodating different customer preferences. 

The app should accept credit card payments, PayPal, and other popular payment gateways.It should also ensure that payments are processed quickly and securely, with fraud detection measures in place.

6. Analytics And Reporting

Having built-in analytics and reporting features are crucial for measuring the app’s success and optimising the user experience. 

These features can provide insights into customer behaviour, such as which products are most popular, how customers navigate the app, and which payment methods are used most often.

This information can be used to make data-driven decisions and improve mobile app developers’ performance.

7. Integration With Other Systems

The app should be integrated with other systems, such as inventory management, CRM, and shipping, to ensure that orders are processed quickly and accurately. This integration can streamline the order fulfilment process and improve the overall customer experience.

8. Customer Support

Providing built-in customer support features, such as live chat or an FAQ section, can help customers with any issues they may encounter.

These features can also help reduce the number of customer support requests and improve customer satisfaction.

The Future Of Ecommerce In Australia,

The future of ecommerce mobile apps and web in Australia is bright, with continued growth and innovation expected in the coming years. Several emerging trends and technologies are likely to shape the ecommerce landscape in Australia, including

1. Increased Use Of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are expected to play an increasingly important role in ecommerce, enabling businesses to provide more personalised shopping experiences and improve customer service.

2. A greater emphasis on sustainability

A growing number of consumers are concerned about the impact of their purchasing decisions on the environment, and businesses are responding by offering eco-friendly products and implementing sustainable practices.

3. AR and VR integration

With virtual and augmented reality technologies becoming more prevalent in ecommerce, customers will be able to try products before making a purchase, providing immersive shopping experiences.

4. The Continued Growth Of Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce is expected to continue its rapid growth, with more consumers using mobile devices to browse and make purchases online.

As these trends and technologies continue to evolve, ecommerce businesses in Australia will need to adapt and innovate to stay competitive and meet their customers’ changing needs and expectations.

Looking For an Ecommerce Web Development Agency?

Consider these essential factors before hiring an agency to develop your online store:

  • Experience: Look for an agency with experience in developing websites similar to yours in terms of functionality, industry, and target audience.
  • Expertise: Ensure the agency has expertise in the latest web technologies and design trends, such as responsive design, mobile-first design, accessibility, and search engine optimization.
  • Portfolio: Check the agency’s portfolio to see the quality of their work and the types of projects they have worked on. Look for examples of websites that have features similar to what you want.
  • Process: Ask the agency about their development process, including how they manage projects, communicate with clients, and handle feedback and revisions.
  • Collaboration: Ensure that the agency is willing to collaborate with you and involve you in the development process, from planning and design to testing and deployment.
  • Budget: Consider your budget and look for an agency that can work within your constraints without compromising on quality.
  • Support: Inquire about the agency’s post-launch support, including maintenance and updates, and how they handle any issues that may arise.
  • Reputation: Research the agency’s reputation online, including customer reviews and ratings and testimonials from previous clients.

Get The Best Ecommerce Web And Mobile App Development Services

WeDoWebApps PTY LTD is one of the top Web and  mobile app development companies available on the market. Web development is one of the key services they have offered to their clients over the years.

Whether you require guidance, app modernization, or custom development from the beginning for your online business, they have top-notch services to offer. No matter how complex your ecommerce may be, their team of experienced web developers is eager to make it a reality. 

They carefully consider your requirements to match your expectations, have hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies like Magento and other rapidly growing tech, and care about the security and quality of a finished project.

Summing Up

In conclusion, ecommerce has become an essential part of the Australian business landscape, with rapid growth and increasing consumer adoption. As the ecommerce market continues to evolve and mature, businesses in Australia must focus on web and mobile app development to remain competitive and succeed in this rapidly changing landscape.

The future of ecommerce in Australia is bright, with emerging trends and technologies such as artificial intelligence, sustainability, virtual and augmented reality, and mobile commerce expected to shape the ecommerce landscape in the coming years.

By focusing on web & mobile app development, businesses can provide their customers with the best shopping experience and stay ahead of the competition in this exciting and rapidly growing industry. Connect with WEDOWEBAPPS PTY LTD to get started with ecommerce development.

8 Important Features You should Consider During Mobile Application Development

Among around 7.9 billion people worldwide, there are approximately 5.11 billion mobile users worldwide. According to some research in the past five years, intelligent mobile devices users have just doubled. Keeping this in mind, the joy of a new mobile app is no longer enough, as the app industry is remarkably dynamic. It has become more challenging to stand out. 

Based on some research, there were more than 205 billion apps downloaded which is a 15% increase from past year. A 25% increase in mobile app downloads is predicted globally by the year 2022. If you are considering developing a mobile app for your small or medium business, you need to know the factors that should be considered while developing a mobile app.

According to research, mobile users spend 90% of their time on mobile apps. Among those 90% users, approximately 85% prefer native mobile apps to mobile websites. This research shows mobile apps are effective for business. In order to develop a successful app for your business, thoughtful planning is a must. Let’s discuss some most important features one should consider while developing a mobile app.

8 Features to Consider During Mobile App Development

1.Set Targets

Strategic planning is vital to get the correct output. So, before you move ahead in the app developing process, ensure building a strategic plan. It happens frequently that the mobile and web app developers do not plan anything and directly start app development. The outcome ultimately is, they face unexpected challenges in the end.
Therefore, the first step of the app development process should be building a strategy or setting up the targets. The strategy should be made according to the clients’ or the market requirements. It will help you encounter excellent and unique results, and you will make the best mobile app based on the given requirements. 

2.Choosing the Appropriate Platform

Choosing the best platform for your mobile application development is a crucial decision. Sometimes it might be confounding for you to decide whether you need to go for native mobile-app development or cross-platform development. For this, you need to clear that if you are developing an application to target a US audience, iOS will be a preferable platform. Whereas if you want to target a global audience, you can go with android. 

Secondly, do a thorough analysis of the pros and cons of each development platform. Target Audience, User Behavior, Features, cost of development, devices you want to support, etc., are some of the factors you should focus on while developing an app. It will help you find the right platform for app development.  

3.Market Research

Now that you are entering the mobile app development phase, you need to do enough market research. We all know that there are many Top Mobile App Development Companies in Australia; the competition is massive. There are numerous mobile apps based on the same genre. Hence, you need to bring something unique and attractive to fascinate mobile app users.Due to the high competition in the digital world, market research is a key to face success. It is the best way to avoid repetitive mistakes and stand out from the competition. 

4.Choose the Right App Development Company

There are a countless number of companies offering Mobile App Development Services in Australia. The idea of the app will be yours, but the successful execution of the idea depends on the app development company you choose. An effective app plays an imperative role in business success, and it is essential to choose a company that can develop a unique yet straightforward, user-friendly application. Investing in the right app development company is a big decision. Hence, it is necessary to invest in a company that can build customized, secure, robust, and scalable applications. 

5.User-Friendly App Design

App Design is also one of the critical aspects of a successful mobile app. The app with a better user interface and user experience will attract more people, and it automatically reflects the increase in the number of app downloads. The technology landscape is continuously shifting, the innovations and trends are still emerging, and your app should do the same. Make the most user-friendly mobile application if you want to drive your application ahead. Remove unnecessary elements from the app and try to make it simple. The unnecessary elements can lead your app to an awful user experience and will confuse the users.

6.Time and Resources

Announce the launch date of your app and create a buzz around it and make people feel excited about it. Ensure your app’s time frame, development, scope, design, and test within a given time frame. It will help you lead your entire app development project more effectively.  The point is you need to begin communicating with the developers and other technical teams. Decide the most feasible dates and plan your development strategy accordingly, like Gathering required functionalities, Design, Development, Wireframing, Testing, Publishing etc. 

7.Maintenance, Privacy and Security

Regardless of who is building the app, it must undergo ongoing maintenance cost once it is published. Just launching an app is not enough; you need to regularly create new content, track your app’s performance and let the users know what’s new.  Besides maintenance, you also need to add a privacy policy to your mobile app. Certain apps collect sensitive information from the users. Hence, your privacy policy must cover what information is being collected from the users.  Maintenance and Privacy are necessary, but what about security? Security is something that many app developers easily neglect. Do not make that mistake. Mobile App Developers must ensure security in the early stage of the deployment process. 

8.Analysing the Final Results

Once you launch your app on the App Store, you can conduct a survey to evaluate the success of your mobile application. It will help you measure your app’s performance.Without evaluating your app, you will not be able to analyze how your app is performing in the competitive app development industry. By measuring the key metrics, you can observe the ratio of your app’s performance and success.

Concluding Words

Every Technology has its pros and cons, but the choice is yours, which Technology suits your budget and business growth. As soon as you are ready with the idea, WeDoWebApps PTY LTD can help you dive into mobile app development and put your app on a path to a successful deployment. 

We, the developers at WeDoWebApps PTY LTD, understand your business possibility and help you develop a mobile app based on your business goals. We are a reputed firm specialized in delivering end-to-end IT solutions. Our knowledge and skills are massive to help you succeed in this competitive business era. We are a proficient team of developers, experienced in building the most unique and efficient mobile apps that rule on the App Stores.

Complete Guide to Reduce Your Mobile Application Development Cost

Best Mobile App development services and procedures are a highly time-consuming and costly process. Even the most basic software will cost tens of thousands of dollars and months to develop. The cost and timeline can be daunting and prohibitive for a company interested in entering the mobile space or an entrepreneur eager to bring their product to market. There are many ways to do it faster and cheaper if you know what you are doing and go into it arranged. An app is a rule made by a group of creators and engineers, each a master in their field. The normal mid-sized extent takes between 8 to 20 weeks, depending on the app.

Expenses while creating a mobile app?

The plan and programming costs are not the cost you will incur when creating an app. It’s too critical to calculating costs like server expenses, Apple and Google engineer account memberships, progress support costs, promoting costs, and third-party administrators. Usually, when you start a startup must keep the following things in mind during the app development process:

  • Expenses to the servers
    Based on the number of users, the amount of data sent and received, and the kinds of services you have going, servers can cost anything from $10 to $10,000 a month. Free hosting tiers are available from companies like Amazon AWS and Heroku to get you started. For certain applications, a free tier could be sufficient, at least initially. Others would need more server resources or add users faster, in which case a free tier will not suffice.
  • Profiles for Developers
    To be able to publish your software on the Apple and/or Android app stores, you will need to join their developer programs. To become an Android developer, Google charges a one-time $25 fee, while Apple charges a $99 annual registration fee to be a part of their developer program.
  • Expenses for Ongoing Servicing
    To keep the app life and up-to-date, budget at least $1,000 a year for simple app maintenance. The cost of a new Apple or Google operating system upgrades, deprecation or major changes to third-party applications, or major platform updates may be much greater.
  • Costs in marketing

mobile app marketing

The promotion of your app will be as much or as little as you want. You will rely on your sector, customer group, budget, and desired result in the marketing campaign. Such applications spend $0 on ads, and others spent millions. It has been a massive achievement. Most importantly, applications need some form of advertisement. If you are paying for ads or motivated by social influencers, a marketing campaign is the app’s growth.

What is the reason for the high cost of the best mobile app development services?

The high cost of software production is mostly due to high labour. Employees with advanced design and programming expertise will command comparatively high wages in Australia and around the world. An app is a piece of software that is typically created over a long period by a professional team. The procedure entails comprehensive planning, architecture, scripting, testing, debugging, and implementation, all of which are carried out by specialists in their respective fields. It takes time to prepare, develop, create, and evaluate an app, much like every other piece of software. The higher the production rate, the longer it takes to build the software. If you choose the best mobile app development services, then you can reduce the development cost.

Can you create a non-cash app?

There are ways to create an app without spending any money, but it is not easy. Among the choices include:

  • Using a no-code platform to develop it yourself.
  • Collecting venture money from investors.
  • Seeking a technical co-founder.

How reduced the expense of mobile app development?

You can employ a freelance software developer in Australia for $75-$100 per hour if you plan the app, oversee the project, and do all testing yourself. Hiring an app development agency to handle it will cost between $100 and $200 per hour, but the project’s time contribution will be significantly reduced. Here are some tips for choosing the best mobile app development services in Australia, which will help you to reduce the app development cost.

Avoid custom graphics

Although mobile apps are generally different, there are common elements such as buttons, navigation types, and other details. This is because usually, users expect mobile apps to behave in a certain way, just like in the App Store. For example, Apple has established several guidelines for the human interface, which must be followed by all iOS applications when approved and presented on iOS. For this reason, you can save valuable time and money by using pre-made buttons and similar items. Of course, customize your app, but draw the line whenever needed.

Pay attention to vital features only

Keep in mind that the mobile app you are developing is not meant to deliver everything on earth to your users. The key here is to focus on the nuances of the service and what you want to offer. Offering many features will not only confuse users and disrupt the application but will also cost more time and money, which are very important, especially if you don’t know, you will make a profit or not.

Maximum simplicity for UI / UX

UI / UX design

One of the proven methods for reducing application development costs is to use a simple yet attractive design for your application. This is always bound to provide a minimal user experience, as new users are confused with complex designs. Many companies adopt a minimum model to reduce the cost of design.

Develop the apps locally if possible

Offshore construction also ends up being much more costly in the long term for several reasons, typically taking much longer than local development. Offshore development customers have always had inadequate coordination and often unsatisfactory designers, poor quality code, buggy applications that need maintenance or reconstruction, period blowouts, and even more project management and supervision the customer needs.

Construct an MVP (Minimum viable product) to avoid the high cost of app development

Construct an MVP

You can learn a lot about MVPs when you launch your software-creation trip, and for a good reason. The first approach to publishing the software’s simple barebone version is by testing your app and reducing the chance of spending more time and money on a full version.

Avoid poor quotations

You get what you are paying for in-app growth. When one of the quotes is far lower than the others, it is typically an indication that either the developer is not completely aware of the project or outsource offshore production. The low quotations are nearly too good to be real and will cost you money in the long term.

Use cross-platform

Tools such as PhoneGap, Xamarin, Ionic, and Cordova have reduced development time but have shown bad results. Apart from their native cousins, apps built into this system were clunky, sluggish, and non-responsive. The Respond Native is used to write a single code base for iOS and Android and is used by technology-packers, including Twitter, Instagram, Air BnB, Skype, and Uber Eats. It ensures that you will create the software and run it for iPhone ait and Android, saving about half the time and the cost of building each platform independently. Use a cross-platform system if you plan to support both iOS and Android.

Sort the App while doing the app development process

App sort is likely the greatest figure affecting the improvement fetched. Creating a basic QR code scanner app will cost much less than creating a comprehensive social organization. The number of screens, client sorts, server engineering, and third-party administrations will generally depend on the app sort. Generally, apps like social systems, marketplaces, fake insights, music generation, ride-sharing, and security-heavy apps like keeping money apps, are more costly to create. Lower Fetched Apps Simpler apps like calculators, QR scanners.

Composed of different programming dialects

Building an app that underpins both stages will be more work than building a simple one. On the off chance that your app developer codes natively, they will have to construct the front conclusion of the app twice (in Java and Swift/Objective C) to bolster Android and iOS. The back-conclusion will likely share between the two must be composed once,


The number and complexity of highlights is another major figure that impacts improvement. Complex highlights like social bolster calculations, IoT gadget synchronization, or augmented reality will take more than a basic app development.

App development team location

The location of your software creation will have a significant effect on the price. Since app production is a labour-intensive process, the cost has a direct impact on the total cost. In comparison to other nations, the cost of labour in Australia is comparatively high. But not to worry, WEDOWEBAPPS serve budget-friendly app development services in Australia.

Bottom Line

Mobile app development is not an expensive process. If you follow the right approach strategically, you can do a lot of cost-cutting in various ways. The most crucial factor in selecting the best mobile app development services will control all the above factors. Looking at apps like Tinder or Uber, they are also low-cost apps, but they are in high demand because they have long-awaited revolutionary features by customers.

An excellent way to avoid high costs is to use ready-made code fragments, designs created with UI building tools, and a remote team that is experienced in working on projects of your kind. Embark your mobile app development journey with WEDOWEBAPPS today.

The world’s dependency accelerates with mobile application development services

We are aware of the fact that the whole world is completely dependent on mobile and other devices. We can’t live without it. Our daily life completely depends on mobile applications, and we can’t do without them. The sad part is that we cannot do anything about this.

Until 2007, when smartphones came into the market nobody knew that they will impact our lives so much that our dependency will only increase.

The accelerated dependency on the applications is only a boon for the mobile app development services companies. They are the only ones who are getting benefits from this big change. Mobile application development services provide applications for all kinds of needs like house items, property, office items, machinery, furniture, delivery, traveling, hiring cabs, purchase of any item, jewelry shopping, banking, financial services, documentation, etc. The list is never-ending. One just thinks about any commodity or product and then the search on the application begins.This is followed by mobile app development financial services.

There are many Mobile app development consulting services. They provide consultation according to the wants of the client. These companies first ask for all the necessary information at the initial stage. They want to know the kind of requirements, features, use of the application. What kind of audience does the client want to target? What kind of age group or which industry will be suitable? The vision and mission of the client are understood to provide the best solution. A proper consultation is a must for mobile application development services.

Mobile application development consulting services assist in all kinds of services from the developing stage to the launch of the product.

The idea to have all discussions is to inform the client about the application’s success. The company informs and suggests their clients with all the data like the market trend, accessibility, target audience, technical details. Once the client gives a go-ahead, then developing the application starts.

Mobile application development consulting services have made banking and financial services also very easy and convenient. Earlier, one has to go to the bank for every small need but now financial services are available with one click. If we want to transfer money, pay utility bills, check balance, get an account statement, loan application. There are so many mobile applications for financial services. All the companies are equipped to provide mobile application development financial services to their clients. They know all the tools and features that are required in building such applications. The foremost feature required to build these applications is the security and safety of the user’s details. The details are very confidential and can’t be shared with anybody or any third party. If the data gets shared then this can make hacking into account easy. Developing safe and secure apps and updating them on regular basis to prevent hacking is the most important feature for any financial services application.

By offering these mobile application development financial services, the dependency on the app has only accelerated. This has affected our health in a big way. We are so addicted to the apps and ordering things with one click that we just don’t want to move from our places. We have set up our offices on the application and now all the official work is done on our smart devices like laptops, smartphones. With the help of these applications, we can work from the comfort of our home. Unless it is important to step out, one doesn’t want to. Education, health, doctor consultation, documentation, etc. can be done online. People who realize that their health is very important and needs to be taken care of but do not want to go out, start using the health application. By following these apps, we try to become healthy and in shape. The health application has all the information related to exercise, diet, health charts, calories details of almost all the food items. Such is our dependency, and we do not mind that happening.

Mobile application development consulting services build these apps in such a way that initial features are free to use but additional features are paid. Users have to pay for these services to use them. They don’t mind paying also sometimes if it is beneficial for them.

People earn money and make a career from the application. Livelihoods depend on mobile app development financial services People who work in mobile application development consulting services are earning from these applications but there are many other working people whose career depends on the applications. Technology is a boom for them. By providing Online assistance or showcasing different talents like music, dance, comedy, acting, making movies or cooking channels or blogs for traveling or beauty, etc. people use it to earn money for themselves.

Technology is around every corner. Every city is a smart city. People may be illiterate, but they know how to use smartphones and their applications. From children to adults, everybody carries a smartphone. The increased number of smartphone users has led to an increase in mobile applications. Mobile application development consulting services company takes advantage of this demand. They aim to introduce new apps so that people are always hooked to their mobile devices. We should try to cut our screen time and spend as much time with our family, on our hobbies, goals, exercise, and whatever one likes to do or was planning to do. It is completely wrong to be dependent on these applications so much that if tomorrow it does not work then we tend to lose our minds. We should the ones who take advantage of the technology and not the other way around. Mobile application development consulting services built applications for our convenience, and we should use them only for our help. People should remember to not become a slave to the applications and make them your slave.

The application should be used for our improvement, our safety, our knowledge, our guidance. They help to save our time that is difficult to spare because of our busy lives. We can search for anything on these applications.

Mobile application development consulting services have been both helpful in our lives and disturbing for our lives. Mobile application development financial services company helps in building applications as per their requirements. The goal is achieved by delivering the quality of the product. The company assigns the best team of developing professionals who are knowledgeable and experienced. A good developer keeps all the factors in mind while developing any application. The platform, software development kit, and additional features are decided on the initial stage of development. Then, the programming language and coding are done. After this, all the tests are run on software. The test is done to ensure that no errors occur in the application. For the smooth running of any application, all the initial tests, alpha tests, and beta tests should be performed. Once the test report is positive, then it means no errors exist in the software and it is good to launch the product. A sample of the target audience is also part of this test. It is done to check their opinion, which is very essential. The next step is to design the application in the most creative ways. It should be interesting enough to catch users’ attention. When the application is ready to launch in the market, then the marketing plan should be followed. Advertisement of the application should be everywhere possible with all the product details. It should have launch details of the product. Accordingly, the product should be launched in the market. One thing mobile application development consulting services company should always check the patent rights before working on any application. This prevents the duplication of two applications.

Hence, good or bad the dependency on mobile applications will accelerate with time. It is our responsibility to cut it down and decrease our dependency

Are you looking for Mobile App development services in Australia?

Mobile application development services are available in all parts of the world. When we look for one such offer or any particular service, then we always want the best. Many app development agencies are available in Australia. While searching, one should look for all the factors before finalizing any mobile application development services. Go through their respective profile and their performances thoroughly.

A mobile application development service becomes the best only basis of their user’s reviews. For good reviews, one must focus on their performance since the best performing company leads the pack. The company should use the most trending frameworks. There are many kinds of mobile application development frameworks available in online markets like React Native, The Frameworks created by Facebook, etc. Costing of mobile applications should be reasonable as there is a lot of competition in the market. There are many developers available in the market. Costingedgh should not be on the higher side and instead, cost-effective without compromising the quality and results of the product.

What makes mobile application development services best? There are many factors that one should look into before developing any app. Australia offers the best companies, who can help in developing desired applications with all the customized features.

What are these factors? The factors which you should check while looking for the best mobile application development services are-

1. Knowledgeable developers – developers should be highly knowledgeable and skilled to develop trending app. They should be aware of all the tools, hardware platforms, programming languages, coding language, libraries, software development kits. They should have thorough knowledge about all the testing required.

2. Target audience – any good mobile application development services will know about the latest demands that exist in the market. What kind of app will work in the market? They will always suggest that whether the kind of app the company wants to build will find its target audience or not. In the end, the app should be built according to users’ needs. If the right kind of people is not targeted then the app will never be able to take its place in the market.

3. Design – One of the most crucial parts of developing an app is conceiving its design. It should be full of creativity with cool colors, quirky logos. This will definitely attract users. Once the design attracts users to check out the application, then they also go through its details which results in making them download. Of course, it should match their needs and expectations. But an attractive design will make users at least once visit the application.

4. Test – A good mobile application development service will always be keen on testing the application completely. They follow a strict policy to conduct all the tests to ensure that the application is safe to run. After several tests and dry runs, it is launched only post the approval by the testing team. Basic tests are run initially to check if there is any error. Then, the Alpha test is run to check whether the app is bug-free or not. If there is any bug present, it is removed from the app. After completion of the Alpha test, the Beta test is run to check how smooth the application works in the device. Beta test, also known as sampling test is done selecting few users. These users are selected voluntary basis or by paying them or through any other process. These users use the application for few days and give their feedback. Based on their feedback, a report is made. If the report suggests any correction in the app required to be fixed, then the changes are made by the testing team after informing the concerned company.

5. Quality approval – To build and launch any application, quality approval by the Quality Assurance team is an important step. The quality team makes sure that all the guidelines are followed as per the policies and procedures. If they find any parameter is not matched or followed by the mobile application development services company then they have authority to not pass the application and stop its launch.

6. User-friendly – While building an app, one of the important aspects is that the app should be user-friendly. The app can be used by any person at any age level or by any person who may or may not be technology-friendly. The user can be technically sound but not necessary. So, the application should be designed in such a way that anybody can use it easily.

Some of the basic features should we all should know is as follows :

7. Customisation – Company should be able to customize the application as per the customer’s need. They should have all kinds of variety and be able to suggest customers. Developers should understand what kind of hardware platform, SDK, programming language (Java or Kotlin), IDE. The application should be customized with all the features which are required to fulfill the purpose of the app. The customizing app also prevents duplication from other apps. Two apps can be similar in many ways, especially in terms of their features. To conclude, a customized app is a great idea.

8. Security issues – To build an app is not that difficult but, developing a safe and secure app is a bit difficult. A safe and secure app is always in demand and used by many users. A trusted app is never out of the market. The development team should make sure that there are no security issues and will not harm users device. Any kind of malware or virus or any kind of threat should be restricted from the app. All software installation and testing should be done properly. Hackers keep updating themselves and their tricks regularly. So, an app should be designed in such a way that it is also updated regularly.

9. Verification – There should be a proper verification process for the authentication of the application. This process should be stringent and followed thoroughly. Verification is a mandateat all stages. One must ensure you do not copy contents from any other application. The programming language, coding, design, name of the application, logo of the application should be different from other applications. After proper verification only, the product should be allowed to launch in the market.

10. Copyrights – One of the most crucial steps that any best mobile application development services will keep in mind before building any application is that it is original and not copied. Copyright act should be followed and taken care of while building an app. All the due permission should be there from the concerned authorities. It is good to have all permission in place before launching any product. If not, then there could be copyright issues. It can lead to legal challenges and will hamper the launch of the product.

11. Marketing – For a successful launch of the product, a marketing plan must be made carefully. Designing a logo, adding colors, launch events, etc. should be planned so that no confusion occurs later on. On which platform, when, and how it will be publicized and launched should be pre-planned. Marketing events on all the social media platforms and creating hype always lead to a successful launch of the applications.

12. Delivery Management – Delivery of the product matters a lot for the customer as it is the ultimate goal for which all the pain was taken. Delivery of the product on or before the promised deadline is a critical factor. After all, the promotions, if there is any delay in the delivery of the product, then it becomes very embarrassing for the company. This keeps them in a difficult place. If there are any changes in the delivery date of the product because of any reason, then it should be informed in advance and that too before the marketing and promotions of the product start. It saves the company from embarrassment and maintains the goodwill of both companies.

An experienced mobile application development services company will always follow all the requirements to make a successful application. They will also provide after-sale services properly. Developers are always ready to work on suggestions and update the application on regular basis. Whether the app is for Android or IOS, they will follow all the parameters and will create an app according to the company’s purpose. The company is always open to feedback and upgrading itself. They always follow the market trends and create trendsetter applications. A proper contract is made without any hidden clauses and with utmost transparency. These contracts mention all timelines of the product with their cost. No hidden costs are there. Customers sign the contract only when they are fully satisfied. Customer satisfaction is always a goal that the best companies want to achieve to maintain their brand image and to survive in long run.

Since, if you are looking for any mobile app development services in Australia, never forget to look for these factors. It will definitely help you to make a wise decision and will help in your growth.