Optimising User Experience: Understanding Google INP Score for Web Developers


Is your website affected by the March 2024 Google algorithm update Interaction to Next Paint (INP) score? We are here to discuss all the aspects that can help web developers overcome hurdles.

We all know how important user experience is for any website’s performance. It is now an important factor in determining a website’s performance. People need more tolerance for slow or glitchy interfaces. 

To assist you in optimizing your websites for speed, Google has made INP a part of its Core Web Vitals. This measurement determines how responsive a site feels by calculating the time it takes for user interaction. This means you cannot run off and should now use responsive web design services.

An acceptable INP score will ensure that users have a great experience with the website through quick and seamless interactions.

acceptable INP score

This post explains the importance of INP for developers and explores the different strategies they can employ to identify, analyse, and improve a site’s INP performance.

So, why wait? Let’s start with an overview of Google INR score and proceed. 

What is Google INP Score?

The INP Score is an aggregate measurement of how responsive a page is based on Google’s Core Web Vitals. Its value ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores suggesting greater performance. 

INP examines a website’s ‘Fast, Smooth responsive’ and ‘Fast’ characteristics using metrics such as the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

 It is calculated by observing the latency of interactions throughout a user’s visit, with the final value being the longest observed interaction. Developers should aim for an INP of 200ms or less, measured at the 75th percentile on both mobile and desktop.

longest observed interaction

A Brief on Core Web Vitals

Time to get into the particulars of INP as we discuss below the three Core Web Vitals:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) 

LCP tracks when the largest content piece, like images, loads on a page. Google considers a target LCP of 2.5 seconds or less as good. Pages loading visible content quickly lead to higher INP scores. 

Developers can optimise LCP by lazy-loading images, prioritising visible content, minimising above-the-fold elements and reducing payload sizes.

First Input Delay (FID) 

It assesses a website’s responsiveness by measuring the time between when a user first interacts with the page and the time the browser can respond to that interaction, like a click. 

Google rates an FID within 100 milliseconds as good. Developers can reduce FID by prioritising DOMContentLoaded, optimising main thread work, reducing JS vulnerabilities, and deferring non-critical resources.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS measures unexpected visual shifts on a page that could distract users. It tracks layout, text, element resizing and repositioning. A target threshold of 0.1 or less is rated good. Developers can optimize CLS through responsive designs, intentional use of flex, grid, appropriate media queries and simplifying above-the-fold content.

Web developers must optimise their sites for these Core Vitals, as Google uses them to assess a site’s experience and determine search rankings. Understanding these foundational metrics helps comprehend INP’s importance as the next metric in experience optimisation.

Why Core Web Vitals Matter?

Pages receiving poor scores on these metrics risk lower page functionality, increased bounce rates, and diminished engagement. Core Web Vitals are crucial in measuring how users perceive a website’s performance and interactivity. Google has also announced that starting mid-2021, Core Web Vitals will become a ranking factor in mobile search results.

This makes it even more crucial for developers to address Core Web Vitals. Through speed optimisations, developers improve website vitals and deliver a faster and higher quality user experience, which translates to higher conversion rates, improved SEO, and return visitors.

Understanding the INP Metric

INP explicitly measures the latency of interactions on a webpage. It is made up of three parts. The first is input delay, which is the time from when a user initiates an interaction until event callbacks start running. 

Processing Time is the duration it takes callbacks to complete, and Presentation Delay is the time for the browser to display the visual outcome. Understanding these phases helps optimise each segment to minimise total interaction latency. 

A key insight is that each browsing context, like iframes, has its own main thread, and INP is an aggregate of the whole page. Therefore, developers must identify which frame slow interactions occur for effective optimisations.


INP Metric

Diagnosing INP Issues

Gathering and comparing data from various sources helps web developers obtain a holistic view of INP issues on their sites for targeted improvements. And, here’s how to diagnose INP issues. The goal is to optimise interactions to enhance user experience through:

  • Google PageSpeed Insights

The first step to optimise INP is gathering data to assess current performance. Google PageSpeed Insights is a valuable tool that provides INP and other metric scores for a webpage. 

Armed with this data, developers can then proceed to a detailed analysis of any slow interactions detected and formulate optimisation strategies accordingly.

  • Field Data vs Lab Data 

The best place to start optimisation is with real-world user data collected from the field rather than controlled lab environments. Real User Monitoring (RUM) tools observe site traffic and provide invaluable insights and specific user interactions. 

They give a true picture of performance issues that need attention. Lab data can also be used to diagnose issues in isolation.

  • Real User Monitoring (RUM) Providers 

RUM providers like New Relic offer deeper insights beyond a single INP figure. They provide timing data of each interaction like clicks, taps or keypresses. 

Other details include which page section or element was involved, assisting developers in pinpointing culprits. Aggregated over user sessions, RUM reveals a site’s most common interaction pain points.

  • Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX)

For situations where RUM tools cannot be used, CrUX partly fills the gap. It provides high-level summary reports of metrics directly from Chrome, including INP. 

While less detailed than RUM, it still gives an overall indicator of performance to prioritise optimisations.

Measuring INP Score

This section covers various tactics web professionals can leverage to measure INP scores. Here we go.

  • Using Lighthouse & PageSpeed Insights

Google’s Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights tools help websites identify INP performance issues. Lighthouse audits a page and shows the INP score, while PageSpeed Insights displays metrics like cumulative layout shift, which impacts INP. Both are useful for initial INP assessment.

  • Debugging Slow Interactions

To optimise INP, developers must first identify slow interactions using tools like the Chrome Performance panel or third-party monitors. 

These provide insights, such as which interactions slow down a page and for how long, enabling targeted optimisations. Real user monitoring data is also helpful.

optimise INP

Strategies for Optimising INP

This segment helps you understand the different strategies that web professionals can follow to optimise INP. Check it out.

  • Lab Diagnosis of Slow Interactions, 

Once slow interactions are identified, testing them in a controlled lab environment helps determine their root causes. Developers can simulate user flows and analyse timings using tools like Chrome DevTools, aiding focused optimisation.

  • Interaction Optimization Strategies, 

After diagnosis, slow interactions can be optimised. Strategies include minimising input delay, updating asynchronously via callbacks or web workers to prevent blocking, prioritising important visuals, etc.

  • Minimising Input Delays, 

Input delay optimisation helps speed up interactions. Techniques include avoiding long tasks, redundant timers, large DOM processing using techniques like debouncing, smaller payloads, and offloading work to web workers.

  • Script Evaluation and Its Impact

Script evaluation affects page load performance. Developers must optimise this using methods like code splitting, lazy-loading scripts, minimising payload sizes, leveraging service workers, prioritising critical paths, etc.

  • Optimising Event Callbacks, 

Event callbacks must be completed quickly to optimise INP. Dividing long-running tasks, deferring non-critical work, using async/await to yield when necessary, and scheduling requests intelligently help optimise callbacks.

  • Avoiding Layout Thrashing,

Layout thrashing from recurrent reflows/repaints severely impacts performance. Developers must prevent unnecessary layout triggers batch style updates, limit DOM complexity, and leverage features like FastDOM to optimise layout work.

  • Minimising Presentation Delays, 

Reducing visual updates needed for interactions optimises INP. Techniques include lazy-loading offscreen content, simplifying DOM/styles, and streaming updates for interactivity.

  • Rendering HTML Efficiently, 

Server-side rendering provides content quicker, but client-side rendering is also feasible with optimisations like lazy loading and stream rendering. Framework-specific patterns also help.

Optimising INP Score for Developers

Here we discuss how you web developers can optimise INP score and make the most out of it:

  • Updating UI before processing

The interface should refresh quickly after user actions to provide feedback. To prevent delays, developers should update the UI via callbacks before processing long tasks. Strategies like requestAnimationFrame() ensure visuals display before heavier work starts.

  • Scheduling non-essential work

Non-critical processing, such as analytics capture, should be scheduled asynchronously using setTimeout to avoid blocking important visual updates. Web workers can also help offload heavy calculations from the main thread.

  • Reducing layout shifts

Layout shifts slow down INP. Caching calculated styles, batching DOM updates and simplifying stylesheets can help. Tools like FastDOM automatically batch reads/writes to eliminate reflows.

  • Proper JavaScript handling

Loading scripts asynchronously, code splitting, prioritising critical paths and optimising callbacks can speed up JS execution. Techniques like lazy-loading and service workers further improve interactivity.


A well-optimized INP score is crucial to delivering engaging user experiences on the web. With careful consideration of interaction responsiveness at each stage, developers can create fast and smooth interfaces. Understanding diagnostic techniques and leveraging various optimisation techniques aid targeted problem resolution.

Regular performance benchmarking and incorporating best practices ensures web properties stay optimised over time. As new strategies emerge, evaluating impact and integration viability is important. 

User experience should remain a continuous focus area, focusing on established and evolving metrics. With diligent performance priorities, developers can provide seamless and engaging user experiences.

well-optimized INP score